Sunday, January 30, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 21 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 21 of 35
Do you want things to change?

Okay, here's the thing about have to really believe it. Not just saying the words....but put movement to your faith. When did faith become unmoving? When did faith stop consuming?

I think often the reason why our faith statements are not being fulfilled is because we are placing limits on our requests to God. We are placing limits on what we want to believe Him for. We are becoming okay with what we currently see instead of believing Him for what we really want and desire.

I was reading today in John 5 at church and a point was made that I feel is so relevant to how we hinder our faith with our BUTs. John 5 talks about the lame man who had literally been stuck on a matt for 38 years! When Jesus asked him why he had not gotten up and he explained that he could not and he had no one to help him. He had been waiting for SOOOOOO long for someone to help him that he became stuck. You see he didn't choose to be sick, like many of us....we do not always choose the situations life throws at us.....but he chose to stay there. And WE CHOOSE to stay here. Ladies......what is your matt? What are you waiting for someone to help you out of? What is the one thing that is hindering what you are desiring God for?

Jesus replied to the lame man so simply....
1. Get up
2. Pick up your matt [stop sitting on it]
3. Walk

I believe this is exactly how we are to walk into our faith and into God's promises. Whatever your BUT is.....lets not wait around for someone to come and pick us up. Will it be 38 years? It can change quite simply.....we just have to get up. The longer you sit, the weaker your muscles get to stand.

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