Sunday, February 20, 2011

Forgiveness: Beginning to talk about it...

Good Evening Girls!

So after writing daily for 35 days and confronting the BUTs in our faith statements I was really unsure where to go next. What to write about from here? Do I continue to write daily or go back to every-so-often? I have spent the last week praying about this and this morning I woke up with the subject of forgiveness on my heart. The weight of the topic actually brought me to my knees and to tears. There is so much I want to talk with you about and I hope you are able to share some of your stories too. I really believe that this is an issue that many women and men deal with and one that is so close to the heart of God. I'm not sure what this chapter of the blog will look like I'll keep you 'posted' ;). For now, I want to begin by sharing this song that speaks to the heart of forgiveness. Looking forward to exploring this with you.

Lots of Love,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 35 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 35 of 35
It is finished. :)

Well, beautiful woman....where-ever you are in the world today....we've come to the end of our 35 day Challenge. These last 35 days have been soooooo good for me and I hope this challenge to eliminate the BUTs in your faith statements has pushed you, has encouraged you, and perhaps has even helped to bring restoration. As a conclusion I want to take a few minutes to share with you a few things that I hope continue to shed light on any life circumstance you might be facing. God's plans for you are to prosper. Never to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future that is exceedingly and abundantly beyond anything that you could ever ask or think. Remember that you already have the greatest love that anyone could ever know.

Faith is a process, but the testing of it creates the substance of the VERY promise you are waiting for. Hold tight and get ready for the adventure of your life!!!!

Love you so much my sister

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 34 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 34 of 35
Eat lunch, look out the window, and smile @ the fact that a building is blocking your view

One more sleep ladies. Today, I sat in a booth at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch and listed out my goals for the next year....periodically I stopped and looked out the window to see what I could see from my current perspective. Not much to tell you the truth. As I looked, I saw a couple buildings, but all else was blocked by their size and volume. I smiled thinking....there is so much more beyond what I do not see. Today, where ever you are and what ever is in front of you. Stop. Smile. Perhaps, look out a window...and smile at the buildings that are blocking all that you do not see. It won't take that long to walk around them.

Until tomorrow.

Lots and lots of Love

Friday, February 11, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 33 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 33 of 35
Looking into the future and smiling at the unseen

Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. With only a two more days of this challenge, two more days til my 25th birthday, and two more days until the cut off for my birthday fundraising for Watoto Babies home....I can't help but smile at all that God has been doing in the last month. I'm not totally sure what He has in store around the corner. But whatever it is I am ready and so excited to be a part of His plan. This BUT eliminating challenge has stirred up so much in me and in some of you and I am so glad to see how God is stretching our faith and adding to its substance. Ready for the unseen? Don't grow weary at the end of the race.....when you are so close to the finish line. Look up and smile at what's around the corner.

Lots of Love,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 32 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 32 of 35
Stuck inside your head

Last night someone said something to me that I thought was quite simple but also quite profound....He said, 'When we are worried or doubting its usually because we are stuck inside our own head.' This is very true. When we get consumed with the BUTs in our faith statements it is usually because we are stuck in our own reasoning....and sometimes lack of reasoning. What does it look like when we go beyond ourselves? When we shift our focus from our now concern and doubt to reaching out to another with the same concern and energy. If you feel lonely, why not give of your time? If you are wanting financial blessing...why not give of your finances? If you want someone to listen, why not listen first? If you are wanting restoration, have you thought about the parts of you that you can change? A client of mine donated money to my birthday wish recently and I was so very touched by her generosity. When I thanked her, she simply replied....'Andrea, that's the only way I know how. My husband and I have been so blessed and whenever we desire something from God, we give in that capacity. So, when we want financial blessings, we give out of our finances.' I agree with this 150%. Its often why I take out single girls or my sister on valentines day. [No, not because I would rather spend Valentines with a chic ;) ] BUT, because I want that girl to know how truly valuable and special she is and though the romantic ideals and pressures that are poured into young women are beautiful, they can be dangerous if taken out of context. Today, why don't you write down one thing that you are trusting God for and instead of listing all the possibilities of failure list all the ways you can show this towards someone else. I guarantee that if you take God at His word, He is more than enough and will take what you are dreaming and believing for and magnify it to catch you in complete AWE.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 31 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 31 of 35
We are doing this together

Ladies, we have just 4 days to go and what I want you to know is that where ever you are at in your life, whatever you are believing God for, whatever doubts and BUTs you are trying to eliminate....You are not doing this alone. We are doing this TOGETHER! I was watching my girls basketball team last night and looking at some of the individual strengths and weaknesses and then started to connect some of my own strengths and weaknesses and had this gentle nudge reminding me that when you are a do not get kicked off for what you struggle with. When you are a real team, you look at those things together and tackle them together. You are not alone. I am praying for you tonight and whatever you are believing God for in your life, know that there is a time to every season and a purpose for everything.

Lots of Love,

Ps. Please keep praying for my birthday wish. Really excited to see how God multiplies things in the next 4 days.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 30 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 30 of 35
Being Proactive

Good-Day Ladies!

So we are coming to an end of this 35 Day Challenge, with only 5 more days to go. Eliminating doubts in our faith statements certainly is a process. We talked about using our energy for other things in the process of seeing our faith statements fulfilled, but there are also some things we need to cut out to keep us moving forward. For some it might be negative remarks. For others it might mean that we have to be more open. Yet, others it might mean remaining more reserved. Last night I was praying about something that was really close to my heart and went for a run to try to get some clarity and also just to keep fit ;)....I love running. I think in our faith, we need to run straight towards God, straight towards His will, running full speed in the exact path that He is laying out for us.....without reserve or fear. In my particular situation it means that I have to be more open at times, even when it reveals that I am not perfect. I know this, but I don't think any of us like to show that we aren't completely together...even if most of our lives are. But that's just the thing....we are ONLY complete in Christ, and it is not wrong to have these doubts and worries.....but what is important is how we deal with them. After some prayer and talking through what was on my heart. I felt such a sense determination and peace. Determination in the sense of not allowing what my concerns might be to hold me from what I desire. If we are trusting God fully the concerns will take care of themselves in time. 'Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.'

How is this related to being proactive? Being proactive in what we are believing God for takes a shear determination to run and not grow weary. To walk on water and not look down. So we have to make daily choices to change certain things, keeping us moving forward without looking back.

It also takes forgetting things of the past. This is a tricky thought's important to learn from the past but it is also important to leave the past there. This morning I received a message that was quite a surprise. For me, the only option I had was to delete. Sometimes that's what we need to do in our spiritual walk to build our faith, delete the things that are causing our doubt. I was speaking with a married friend today and was so heart broken listening to how her marriage is not what she desires. I love this woman so dearly, and hearing her sound so disappointed was devastating. However, no matter what your situation or how hopeless you feel....even if it is something like, 'God I believe my marriage will be a blessing, BUT we just don't see eye to eye.'God has a way of changing our perceptions and turning what once was so far away into something so beautifully close. I have witnessed restored marriages. Forgiveness for things unfair. Consistency even in the storm. I have watched God move in ways beyond what we anticipate. Girlfriend, today be encouraged that what you are doing today will change what your future looks like. The small things you are doing to change, may not be perfect but they are drawing you closer to Him.

Lots of Love,

Monday, February 7, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 29 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 29 of 35
Girls, I wish I could stand in front of your heart with a sword!

One of the more difficult things about eliminating the BUTs in your faith statements, is found in why we insterted the BUT to begin with. For some of us it has been hurt or disappointment. I wish I could be this Joan of Arc and stand in front of our hearts to protect them. This is exactly why guarding your heart is so important. But, that is what God wants to do for us. But our part is laying downing our concerns at His feet.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 28 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 28 of 35

Verses to encourage you:

'In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us' Romans 8.37

'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those aho are called according to His purpose.' Romans 8.28

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Phil 4.13

'For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.' Eph 2.10

'Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.' Eph 6.10

'The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are safe.' Prov 18.10

'But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles.' Isaiah 40.31

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 27 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 27 of 35

For those of you who know me personally, you know that I have an abundance of energy most of the time. You know that I somehow juggle 45 things in a small window of time......but you also know that the opposite side of that strength is that I have in the past struggled with stillness. What is stillness? For a fast-paced person who is goal oriented and extremely driven.... naturally, stillness can feel like the opposite of productivity. However, stillness is not failure. It is not stagnate. True stillness is a beautiful picture of trusting and waiting on God. A calm in the storm. A deep breath in the middle of the unknown and a steady demeanor. When Jesus went fishing with his disciples and a storm arose, He did not panic; he slept. There are those who mistake laziness for stillness and I ABSOLUTELY LOATH the phrase: 'It is what it is.' I feel that phrase is the epitome of complacency. BUT stillness is accepting that God is in perfect control and that our concern and worry need to pause and allow room for Him to move.

Last night, as I went to bed I had this concern on my mind. I prayed about it but then woke up around 3am, thinking about the same thing. I prayed and asked God if it was intuition or fear? I really wasn't sure. I asked Him to help me discern the difference. I tried to go back to sleep but had a hard time at first, then smiled and thought to know what? This really does not matter right now. What I know about God's character and promises are TRUE. He sees this giant picture and wants to be the knight in shining armor protecting my heart and future, I just need to allow Him the time. I quickly fell back asleep and woke up this morning with such a peaceful stillness. 

Ladies, we have 8 more days of this challenge. What does that look like for you? Are you finding a stillness, a sense of peace in your faith statements? Are you letting your statements just be or are you still adding your BUTs in the middle of them? Let's push through and in the next 8 days expect the things we desire from God and trust Him in the unknown. KNOWING that He has such a love for us that we can't escape. Nothing can separate us from His love. He sees you. He hears your deepest desires. Trust in Him even when you feel He is far away. Hold onto His promises. He can hear you in the silence. HE is not that far away. Here is a song I pray builds you up today. I love you world changing woman! Your life has such significance.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 26 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 26 of 35

I think one of the most important character qualities is consistency. I am far from perfect at this but remaining steady and consistent is one of the best qualities a person can have. Loyalty. Collective. Steady. Strong. True. Dependable. Having faith is not doing one thing one time. It is doing that one thing over and over and over again.....even when you don't see results right away. It is being the change you want to see. It is being the hands and feet of God's love in action. It is staying strong, even when your heart and feelings are weak. It is an inner strength. It begins with a simple action. And then is repeated over and over again without fail. My prayer is that in this life I will be a woman of consistency. A woman who is dependable. A woman who is loving no matter what hurt or disappointment comes. A woman who is a supporter and encourager even when things do not go her way. God help me. Help us. Be OUR strength.

Lots of Love,

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 24 & 25

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 24 & 25
Faith w/intent...

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase actions speak louder than words. We often think it and hope for it....but do we hold ourselves to that same level of accountability? The last two days have been really full on with a project at work. Within the last few so many areas of my life I have watched and observed those around me putting actions to their words. It has literally brought tears to my eyes at certain points and a skip in my step when the 'unexpected' arises. I love how God's timing is absolutely perfect. He knows exactly when to move and He sure does give us exactly what we need the hour we need it. While observing those around me the last 48 hours and taking note of how those in my world have blessed me and all those they are reaching, I have felt such a sense of peace and knowing. The Bible talks about how faith comes by hearing. My faith in every little thing was built up by those who chose to put feet to their words. It makes everything stronger. I wonder if God feels the same way when we put feet to our faith statements? We are created in His image. Although....He is divine and perfect. He does also feel....When we put intention behind and around our faith statements does it empower those closest to us? Does it reveal to God our sincerity? I believe it does.

Someone mentioned to me the other day this thing about knowing. I thought it was quite profound. You see knowing is a process. After all, only in God are we 'Fully known'. But knowing takes action and choice. I have always felt that few people in my life truly 'know' me. I am sure you have probably felt the same at some point. Though I am quite open, there is a lot that people do not see. But when a person chooses to know. They question. They act. There is intent. I think the same is true with the building of our faith statements and eliminating our doubts within our faith statements and requests. If me move in our faith with much further will we go.

Lots of Love.....& hey, only 10 more days :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 23 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 23 of 35
Trusting your best friend...

Most days as I go throughout my day and talk to God as I go, I refer to Him as my best friend. This morning. I opened my eyes about 30 minutes after my 4am alarm went off [which I turned off in my sleep] and literally said out loud, "My BEST friend, THANK YOU for waking me up!" Today was a FULL day and certainly not one to sleep in late. I had such a good day all around being so blessed by my students and a productive evening hanging artwork. Around 8pm, I took a little break to go for some dinner. Zabas my favorite fish taco place! As I drove there I started praying about these faith statements of ours. You know, I am finding myself very calm about this area. It truly is amazing what fasting and prayer will do. As I was praying and driving to Zabas, I talked to my BEST friend, my Lord and Saviour [Jesus Christ]. I started thinking about how easy it is for me to trust Him, because He truly IS my very best friend. Of everyone in my is Him who has never left my side for a single second. Sometimes in prayer I feel so close to Him and secretly wish I could just sneak up to heaven for a bit to literally walk with Him.

So, tonight after ordering my tacos and getting back into my car I started to think about how many of you may not ever think about Jesus as your BEST friend. Maybe you have never even thought of this idea? Maybe you like the sound of it, but just don't feel it? Maybe He was, but now seems so far away? The Bible says that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us and that if we acknowledge Him in all our ways He will direct our paths. Perhaps, the reason why the BUTs keep returning in your faith statements is because you are not trusting in your BEST FRIEND. I know when I keep things in that perspective my faith increases 10-fold. Maybe try calling him your best friend today. It not only will add to your faith, but will draw you closer to a dependence on Him.

Good Night Beautiful Girls.
Lots of Love,