Sunday, February 13, 2011

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 34 of 35

The 35 Day Challenge: Day 34 of 35
Eat lunch, look out the window, and smile @ the fact that a building is blocking your view

One more sleep ladies. Today, I sat in a booth at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch and listed out my goals for the next year....periodically I stopped and looked out the window to see what I could see from my current perspective. Not much to tell you the truth. As I looked, I saw a couple buildings, but all else was blocked by their size and volume. I smiled thinking....there is so much more beyond what I do not see. Today, where ever you are and what ever is in front of you. Stop. Smile. Perhaps, look out a window...and smile at the buildings that are blocking all that you do not see. It won't take that long to walk around them.

Until tomorrow.

Lots and lots of Love


  1. That is the most exciting part about life... Not know what exactly is beyond what seems to be in the way, but stepping out to discover what is there.

  2. it's kinda like jumping in the sea with your clothes on...ey tonz?
