Monday, October 11, 2010

Andromeda's Alone Time...

Andromeda's character spent most of her time helping others....her status title: SINGLE. What is it about that title that most women find so appalling?! I too find myself guilty of this at times. I know girls who love the title and use it as a freedom card to act foolish and play with boys as some men do with women....almost as if it is their payback for being placed in this subservient role, a role of objectification for hundreds of years. I think women that do this feel powerful. In control.....however, most women I know that function in this capacity breakdown eventually and end up loathing the title as much as the rest. I think the crime of forming women into an object of desire is as disgusting as women doing the same to men. Many would disagreed and say this is just what we do. It is hormonal. Carnal. Natural. What I would like to know is when did our respect for the opposite sex stoop so low? I'm sure it was long long ago....but must it always remain.?

Okay, back to this idea of SINGLE. Andromeda was this woman with superhuman strength. She rescued her people. She was this WOMAN we all kind of wish we were strong enough to be.

What we don't consider when we look at her is the lonely part of her journey. She invested her life into a greater cause...loving others. Yet, she was a woman. Meaning that at times, she probably looked around and saw no one else like her. She felt alone. I can relate, as many of you can. But what I'd like to share with you tonight is something that I hopes inspires you...encourages you to be strong in your giftings....strong in your purpose....strong where-ever you are at during this time in your life.

I am a 24 year old woman. Single. College graduate with 2 degrees. A teacher now in my 3rd year of experience, not to mention the years of private lessons. I am an over-achiever in most areas of my life. Which has caused me great victory and great pain. Most of my life, I have spent trying to be ahead....trying to be smarter....trying to be my very best. I have spent most of my life looking at risk and running towards it knowing that I'll have what I need at just the right time and will learn to fly as I'm falling or soaring, whichever the case may be. I have traveled to and from Australia twice, I have traveled all over Western Europe, lived in a foreign country on my own for three years. I have been a part of large organizations that are famous. And I have been a part of organizations which few even remember. NONE of this makes me more special than anyone else. It does not mean I am better. It is simply a fragment of my history. Most of my journey, I have spent alone. Or at least feeling alone. Which at times feels like a water battle left on a table [half full], with no one in sight. I have had seasons of pure fun, with more friendships that most people experience in a life time. I have had other seasons, where the only phone calls I get in weeks are from clients. I am being vulnerable for a moment....not to make you girls say.....awe, Andrea....? But to share this with you....

I am thankful. I am thankful for everything I have seen that I might have missed had my status been different. I am thankful for what I have learned, with and without experience. I am thankful for the one person who has always seen my heart fully. God. I am thankful for what I have not seen that would have been harder to handle if I was aware. We can never be fully in control, even if you are a risk-taker like myself. Sometimes, we end up right back where we began, but the beginning and the ending are not as important as the journey. I have so much to learn and my journey is really only beginning. And your's is as well. I think if we could just look into our hands and see what it is that we have here and do that well....If we were determined enough to just take care of what we have at this time, we would be okay. We will be okay. Andromeda changed her whole identity to finish what she set out to do. She took on a whole new form just to complete what she had determined to do. Will I be faithful to love others enough? Loving is not the hard part, I find. It's the ENOUGH part that makes the question weighted. If that could be my only goal....I want to run off a cliff for it. And I know I'll learn how to fly as I go.

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