The 35 Day Challenge: Day 3 of 35
What separates the beginning from the end?
There is this space between, that as a creative, I have always been facinated by. You might be thinking to yourself, 'What space between?'
Well, let's explore this a bit. There is space in time - between here and there. Then and now. There is a space between you and I, or you and others. And there is this space between a promise given and a promise fulfilled. The thing is about space is that it contains volume so it is fluid. Often you can see where it starts, but if it is still in motion, you often do not see yet where it ends.
I think one of the most pivital decisions we must make is to not see the end of that space, while it is still moving. If you spill a glass of water and the water begins to run all over your counter top, down the side of your cabinets, and onto your hasn't stopped yet. You have yet to begin cleaning it up. It is currently unrestricted and is still moving.
So, how does this apply to getting rid our BUTs in our statements of faith. Well, you is that space between. The SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and the EVIDENCE of what you DO NOT see. The only evidence you have in the fluid spaces is believing on HIS promises. If we allow a BUT to cut that space stop the water before it hits the limit where His promise is taking us......we are THROWING AWAY THE SUBSTANCE OF OUR EVIDENCE with our BUT!
There are countless stories in the Bible where women have reached out to God in faith.....during this space between...and have believed for the things they do not see. Mary, didn't know if Joseph was going to call it quits once he found out she was pregnant. The woman with the blood disease did not know what her future held....but she KNEW what she desired.....and she reached out for it! And it was Jesus, who said, 'Who touched me?' and then turned to her and said, 'Woman, your faith has made you whole.' The woman who washed Jesus feet with her hair, because that was all she had.
These women, are like you and I.....don't think that because they lived in a different space and time that they were granted super faith powers to take on all the unknown. They had fears as we do. Their faith statements....and actions.....and reactions....could have forever changed history if they threw in a giant BUT into that space between......Mary, too fearful to even approach Joseph? 'God, I will do this, BUT He'll never understand.' Are you kidding me???? NO!!! Perhaps she was weary. I'm sure she was. BUT she went to him. She trusted though she did not know exactly how he would react and in that space between when she heard the promise and when she went to Joseph. However, as she went....GOD PREPARED JOSEPH!!!! The woman with the blood disorder.....'Who touched me?' Jesus was in a CROWD, of course people touched Him! Why was her touch different than all the others??? It was was her unveiling faith, her unwillingness to say, 'Lord, I want to be whole , BUT I can't get to Jesus through this crowd.' And what happened?? Jesus stopped......Is our faith stopping???? Is our faith in God's promises so moving that it STOPS??? Stops others to notice, stops the end of our BUTs??? Stops the very doubt that could limit that promise?? Would we take all that we had to just love? Even if all that we have is damaged, incomplete, not like others? Even if all we had was our time, and our hair, as the woman who washed Jesus' feet?
She did NOT say, 'Father, I want to adore you, BUT I don't have a towel.'
So the thing that separates the beginning from the end is this space between. Women, lets not take this space and fill it with a BUT.
You might be thinking to yourself, BUT this is easier said than done. I know....I completely agree, I was talking to God about this in prayer last night.....and no, He did not start speaking to me through my orchid on my dining room table or through my water-spot shaped hearts on my favorite coffee cup. In fact, I did not FEEL a grand plan unveiled at all. BUT, you see that's the thing. THAT IS FAITH. Moving a mountain is possible with a mustard seed amount of much more does God want to do in us?
Yesterday, as I was working I thought to myself for a moment. BUT God, what if it is like every other time, every other it not better to just do what I know I do well and forget the rest? The very next thought that came into my mind was....'Who enters and chooses to play a game, thinking they are going to loose?' NO ONE!!!! Well, perhaps.....unhealthy, crazy people! BUT, let us not be struck down by the unknown.
I'm coaching a girls basketball team at the moment and I make a point to tell my girls constantly that they can do anything they set their minds to. I also tell them that for every BUT, or CAN'T that they allow to come from their lips they will run a lap....I know harsh....they are only 11 years old.
Well, my girls are on the ball! Yesterday, I was talking about points and shooting and how much shots are worth, etc....I then said, 'Ok, a 3-pointer is right here. I'd shoot one, BUT I'm not a three-point shooter.' OHHHHH! They caught me. 'Coach P, did we just hear you say CAN'T??' Laughing to myself, thinking children are so much smarter than we adults. 'Yes, I did girls.....and I will not only attempt it, but I will also run a lap.' Well, I missed the shot....but that's not the point. I attempted. You do not know what your space holds. Let's try not to allow the BUTs to limit that. Hey, why play to loose? We will loose nothing by believing for the best in our situation.
Have the most lovely day,
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